

A visual cheat-sheet for the 44 keyboard shortcuts found in Jira

#Keyboard Shortcuts

#Global Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
G D Go to Dashboard
G P Browse to a Project
G A Go to Agile
G I Go to Issue Navigator
G G Administration Search Dialog Box
/ Quick Search
C Create an Issue
? Open shortcut help
Ctrl Alt D Dashboards drop-down menu
Ctrl Alt P Projects drop-down menu
Ctrl Alt I Issues drop-down menu
Ctrl Alt G Agile drop-down menu
Ctrl Alt S Form Submit
Ctrl Alt ` Cancel Form

#Agile Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
J Next Issue
K Previous Issue
N Next Column
P Previous Column
- Expand/Collapse All Swimlanes
T Hide/Show Detail View
O View Issue
Enter Add a New Line
Enter Submit changes
Esc Cancel changes
I Assign to Me
S T Send to Top
S B Send to Bottom
E Edit Issue
Z Projector Mode

#Issue Actions and Navigator Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
O View selected issue
J Next Issue
K Previous Issue
U Back to the Navigator
[ Hide/Show Left Section
N Next Activity
P Previous Activity
F Focus search field
Esc Escape field
E Edit Issue
A Assign Issue
M Comment on Issue
L Edit Issue Labels
S Share Issue
. Operations dialog box

#Also see